Thursday, June 23, 2011


Before arriving here last fall, I had maybe seen a handful of sunrises. 
And now early mornings are one of my favourite times of day (I really have a hard time picking favourites)  Getting up and outside early still isn't always easy, but oh! how it is worth it. 

The quiet, peaceful beauty.  The knowledge that the day is the Lord's, and each moment belongs to Him.  The way the dew sparkles in the sun  (isn't it amazing to realize that God chose to make things beautiful?  And that any earthly beauty is the puniest reflection of His fathomless beauty?)

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"
L.M. Montgomery

Saturday, June 18, 2011

for my mom

and my grandparents. . .

Maybe I should have waited to post this until August - when it will have been four years since we were traipsing about the highlands.  Can you believe it?  Four years.  Sometimes it seems like yesterday for the memories are so clear. 

I miss you. . .and I miss Scotland. 

all my love

Thursday, June 16, 2011

by the word of their testimony

When the LORD brought back the captive ones of Zion,
We were like those who dream.

Then our mouth was filled with laughter
And our tongue with joyful shouting;

Then they said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
The LORD has done great things for us;
We are glad.

 Restore our captivity, O LORD,
As the streams in the South.
Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.
He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed,
Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.
-Psalm 126-

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Seasons Change

. . .for everything there is a season. . .
The cold of winter to the new life of spring.  Spring's crisp mornings to summer's bright sun.  And then fall comes;  sometimes gradually and other times with abruptness. 

. . .for everything there is a season. . .

Yet those are not the only seasons.  There are the seasons of quiet reflection and seasons of full schedules.  There are seasons of joy and seasons of pain.  Of loneliness and company.  Seasons of learning and seasons of teaching. 

. . .for everything there is a season. . .

Tomorrow begins yet another new season in my life.  These past three weeks have been such a sweet rest and I will always remember the oh so quiet mornings and watching the sunset from my window each evening.  The fellowship of the few left on campus,  reading through a pile of books, the adventures of the 'mop ladies' (doesn't that sound intriguing?) and the schedule that was open for spontaneous walks.  This could also have been the season of ice cream; I honestly believe I have had more ice cream in the past three weeks than in the previous three years. 
. . .for everything there is a season. . .

While this time has been such a beautiful gift, I'm excited for what the Lord has ahead.  For the start of this new semester.  Like one of the girls said recently, "I think I should just get used to my life not being normal".  I'm not expecting my life to be normal - how could it be when the King of the Universe is the One directing.  But I do know that will be a glorious adventure of seeking to know Him more and glorify His name through my little life in this corner of the world.

. . .for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . .
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

today {is the Lord's}

weeding 'party' at 7:00 am
raking rocks
moving woodpiles
finding frogs
wishing that we could somehow cool down
. . .
fellowship over lunch
trying out the new frozen yogurt place
. . .
emptied two Wal-Marts of their entire stock of twin mattress pads
two big carts filled with pillows
oh so hot today
adventure in finding second Wal-Mart
. . .
fellowship over supper, all together
laughing, joking, sharing
. . .
rescued wilting plants with a watercan and magicgrow
watered the lawn

Those who know me, probably know of my affinity towards to-do lists and post-it notes.  I love knowing what needs to be done and having the satisfaction of checking  off each task.  But lately I have begun adding a little note at the top of each list.  And that note reads "today. . .is the Lord's".    It's a reminder that His agenda is the one that I am here to work, not my own.  I might accomplish all that I have written out, other days may go by with everyone of those things remaining unchecked.  It is a lesson He is continually teaching me - not to be so caught up in what I think should be done that I ignore His voice.  Oh, may we be a people so attentive to the leading of our Saviour; that every moment of every day we may be offering our lives and very bodies as living sacrifices.

Monday, June 6, 2011

evening praise

Giver of all, another day is ended and I take my place beneath my great redeemer's cross, where healing streams continually descend, where balm is poured into every wound, where I wash anew in the all-cleansing blood, assured that Thou seest in me no spots of sin. Yet a little while and I shall go to Thy home and be no more seen; help me to gird up the loins of my mind, to quicken my step, to speed as if each moment were my last, that my life be joy, my death glory.

the view from my window
I thank Thee for the temporal blessings of this worldthe refreshing air, the light of the sun, the food that renews strength, the raiment that clothes, the dwelling that shelters, the sleep that gives rest, the starry canopy of night, the summer breeze, the flowers' sweetness, the music of flowing streams, the happy endearments of family, kindred, friends. Things animate, things inanimate, minister to my comfort. My cup runs over. Suffer me not to be insensible to these daily mercies. Thy hand bestows blessings: Thy power averts evil. I bring my tribute of thanks for spiritual graces, the full warmth of faith, the cheering presence of Thy Spirit, the strength of Thy restraining will, Thy spiking of hell's artillery. Blessed be my sovereign Lord!

-Valley of Vision-

Friday, June 3, 2011

a lesson

Teach us, Good Lord,
to serve Thee as Thou deservest;
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and not to ask for any reward
save that of knowing that we do Thy will.
-St. Ignatius of Loyola-