
Those who know me at all, know that I love reading and love books. So here is a list of some favourites

Just Do Something Kevin DeYoung
Divine Conquest  A.W. Tozer
Let me be a Woman Elisabeth Elliot
Crazy Love Francis Chan
Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis
Authentic Beauty Leslie Lundy
Set-Apart Femininity Leslie Ludy
Abiding in the Vine  Andrew Murray
Great Divorce C.S. Lewis
Shattered Dreams  Larry Crab
Desiring God  John Piper
A House for My Name  Peter J. Leithart
The Bravehearted Gospel  Eric Ludy
Boy Meets Girl Josh Harris
Hinds' Feet On High Places  Hannah Hurnard
His Chosen Bride Jennifer Lamp
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers
Why Pray?  John F. DeVries
Money, Possessions and Eternity Randy Alcorn

Missionary Biographies
Shadow of the Almighty Elizabeth Elliot
Evidence Not Seen  Darlene Diebler Rose
Perpetua: A Bride, A Passion, A Martyr  Amy Peterson
A Chance to Die  Elizabeth Elliot
Pastor's Wife  Sabina Wumbrand
Nothing Daunted - The Story of Isobel Kuhn  Gloria Repp
There's a Sheep in my Bathtub  Brian Hogan
The Cross and the Switchblade  David WIlkerson
By Searching Isobel Kuhn
God's Smuggler  Brother Andrew
Peace Child  Don Richardson
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret Dr. and Mrs Taylor
Little Woman  Gladys Aylward

Christian Heros Then and Now  YWAM Publishing
International Adventure  YWAM Publishing
Chronicles of Narnia  C.S. Lewis

Old Favourites
Daddy Long Legs Jean Webster
The Hiding Place  Corrie Ten Boom
Hope Was Here Joan Bauer
Beauty Robin McKinely
In His Steps  Charles Sheldon
The Bronze Bow Elizabeth George Speare
The Chosen Chaim Potok
Jacob Have I Loved Katerine Patterson
Seven Sons and Seven Daughters Cohen,Lovejoy
The Sherwood Ring Elizabeth Marie Pope
Stepping Heavenward  Elizabeth Prentiss

How the Scot's Invented the Modern World Arthur Herman
The Fields of Bannockburn  Donna Fletcher Crow
The Legend of the Celtic Stone  Michael Phillips
An Ancient Strife  Michael Philips
Scottish Chiefs  Jane Porter

Classics I'd Read Again :)
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Old Fashioned Girl  Louisa May Alcott
Pride and Predujce Jane Austen
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Ivanhoe  Sir Walter Scott  (actually, I was lucky to make it through once.  Just wanted you all to know that I waded through the whole thing and finished it.  Unlike Moby-Dick) 

. . .more coming eventually!