. . .and the word is
Full of colour, full of life. How do we live this one life that we have been given? Do we go through life living in a world that is shades of grey? Or do we embrace life, embrace the various challenges, the alternating hues? Do we spend every day wishing for that elusive 'something different', 'something more'? Have we put life on hold? Or do we decide to do something different? Oh, may we set our hearts to follow our God fully, to live every moment that He has given us. And our God does beautiful things, does marvelous things as we allow Him to orchestrate our lives. He can turn the most ordinary day into the most extraordinary adventure as we fix our eyes upon Him. Inconveniences and grey dullness no more. Let us embrace the full gamut of vivid, vibrant living this pilgrim way. May we look with His eyes to see the beauty found in each day, each moment.
by the way, if you happen to write something today, I'd love to check it out so leave a comment! Or if this happens to have you think a thought you wouldn't otherwise have thought, twould be fun to hear it.
I think that was one of the strangest sentences I've ever written.
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