Wednesday, November 2, 2011

tea for three

It was about two weeks ago that us three roommates spontaneously decided to have a tea party.  There was a quick flurry of tidying, finding and boiling of water.  Then we dimmed the lights (when you cannot have candles for fear of setting of the fire alarms, you do what you can) for ambiance, turned on some music and sat cross - legged on the floor. 

It was such a sweet time of fellowship that we decided that it would have to become at least a weekly tradition. And it has certainly happened often, especially with the winter weather we've been having here lately! 

There is just something so special about drinking tea. . .especially out of a red tea pot.  


  1. How lovely! Now I want a red tea pot :)
    Enjoy your winter wonderland

  2. How completely lovely. And I know who your two roommates are :), so it makes me smile to picture you three in that room on the floor. Enjoy that beautiful winter weather for me, I can only wish for it here in Texas!
    Oh, and just so you know, I love your blog :)

  3. Sounds so delightful! I miss Ellerslie:) I hope your doing simply wonderful!
    Your blog is so lovely!

    Rest in our Jesus today!!!

  4. Tea parties are some of the loveliest things - and spontaneous ones, especially, have a special sparkle.
