Tuesday, May 31, 2011

of snakes and swords

For the past couple of months I have been undergoing a self-imposed regime of 'missionary training' in regards to the spiders which frequent my room.  I cowardly left them for my roommate until a sermon convicted me, and since then I have taken the role of killing (or removing) all that I find. There have been a couple trying moments (such as finding one on my pillow one morning) but

A couple of days ago, I overheard a conversation in which they were talking about the snakes which were on campus last summer.  (snakes!  I didn't realize I was that far south!)  But apparently they were only small, harmless garden snakes, very manageable.  Still didn't sound like too much fun, especially if one was to slither into my room.  But I figured there was a bit of time before snake season began. . .

So today, as a couple of us girls were in the student centre getting set up for a birthday lunch, one of the guys bursts in -

"Hey girls, we just thought that you should know, there is a rattlesnake out by the bridge"


I knew I should have stayed in Canada.

We all ran to the window, and crowded around to see this snake. 

I'm afraid we reacted a bit like the stereotypical female.

snake and sword

Activity around the bridge drew our attention back, as one of the guys arrived with something to deal with the snake.   No shovel for our guys - they brought a sword.  Oh I laughed, even while pondering what exactly they were planning on doing with it.  Yet the laughter soon ended as they started poking and prodding the snake.  We would have been a lot more comfortable if we had found out that it was not a rattlesnake when the guys did.  As it was, we were watching their 'snakecharming' antics with baited breath.

Eventually it was caught and then they started walking across campus with their captive.  Walking across campus - in the direction of my dorm.  They threw the snake over the fence and returned.  Us girls agreed that we would feel better knowing it was gone (like gone, gone) 

All I can say is that I hope it never finds it's way to my room - I'm pretty sure you cannot kill a snake like that with a shoe and a wad of paper towel. 

Monday, May 30, 2011


a random collection of thoughts and memories


Last Thursday I had the opportunity to watch three children while their parents and older siblings went out for the evening.  They were from the south, and the southern drawls on the children were so fun.

We headed outside to play in the yard before supper.  The two youngest (ages 6 and 3) quickly picked 'who they would be' as we started playing house..  The little girl wanted to be the dog, the three-year old the son.  There was an awkard silence as the eight year-old boy looked at me with an almost embarrassed look on his face.  Amused, I thought that it might be because he didn't want us to be the 'mom and dad'.  So I decided to ease his thoughts and offered that he could be the Dad and I could be the daughter.

He thought for a moment, furrowing his brow in concentration.  Then he answered in all seriousness with his southern accent  "Yeah, that's a good idea. . .seeing that I don't want to have to marry you."  Oh, how hard it was to keep from laughing!


Today was a day full of laundry - mounds and mounds of it.  Four of us girls were working on it pretty much all day, along with wiping down bathrooms and emptying garbages.  It is amazing how enjoyable such work can be when with friends.  And I am so blessed to be able to serve even in the little ways, to in a small way be part of the ministry here.


The evenings have been typically quiet these past few weeks and I have instigated a new tradition; listening to a sermon by Paul Washer before bed.  The few peaceful hours from about eight o'clock and on have become some of my favourites as I watch the sun set from my window and putz around my room.  What a gift this time has been, surrounded by the truth of God's Word and the beauty of His creation.  I'd encourage you to go on to sermon audio and download a couple of Paul Washer's sermons or you can start here


the sun has just set, and the world outside my window is again cloaked in shadows. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

it changes everything

If you are a child of the King,
nothing on this earth can satisfy you. 

-Paul Washer-

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


photo by Kristi
 . . .is a good day for reading.

The wind is gently blowing, the dorm is quiet.  There is a stack of books by my bed that have been there for a long time now, and my mental list of books to read seems to be continually increasing. 

One of the books I'm reading through is the Scottish Chiefs {wish I had a copy as amazing as the one in the picture!}. 

It has been about a year since I first read it.  Friday nights during the Selah they read it aloud but I missed every one but the last {which put me in such a Scottish mood I was humming 'Loch Lomond' all the rest of the evening}  So I decided that these next three weeks would be a good opportunity to reread it. 

Every once and a while I'll put down my book and hop up to clean a room or make a bed in preparation for the conference this weekend.

But I keep coming back to my room and the stack of books.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes,
all my own desires and hopes and accept Thy will for my life. 
I give myself, my life, my all utterly to Thee to be Thine forever. 
Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit. 
Use me as Thou wilt, work out Thy whole will in my life
at any cost, now and forever.
-Betty Stam-

{I first read about John and Betty Stam this past fall, and the Lord truly used the testimony of Betty's life to bring me closer to Him.  Reading journal exerpts and letters gave a glimpse into her heart, marked by complete consecration to her King.  And what an impact it made knowing that she 'loved not her life unto death' but remained faithful until the end.} 

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The campus is full of secrets and surprises this weekend.  Most of the conversations you overhear at meals are vague but meaningful,  "How is the 'stuff' coming along",  "Oh, I need to talk to you about, yeah, you know what."

Surprises are being planned from - 

the graduating students forthe staff.

the nongraduating students for those who are graduating.

the staff for all the students.

All to be unveiled tomorrow

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Settling In

I’m feeling like I’m getting back into life down here at my campus home as I had to kill three spiders in the bathroom this morning. It’s strange the things that can feel ‘homey’  :)  
the lilacs are blooming here on campus!

We are preparing for a graduation here, which is bittersweet.  The summer students who have been here for a year will be commissioned Sunday.  Though it will be hard saying goodbye to friends and to send them off, I am so excited about all that the Lord has in store for them. 

The world needs more young people like them - radically surrendered to the Lord and willing to go to the ends of the earth to serve their King.  They have continually spurred me on in my own walk and I know that they will have such impactful ministries wherever God leads them.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

just a wee note. . .

. . .to say that I'm here. 

Woke up in Canada, had lunch in the States.

Modern travel is quite something :) 

And thank you, all who were praying.  Travelling and customs went so smoothly, which was such an answer to prayer. 

Now. . .to go and unpack again!

Monday, May 16, 2011

wherever you are

Wherever you are, be all there.
Live to the hilt every situation
you believe to be the will of God.
-Jim Elliot-

whether shopping for groceries back home, whether standing in line to go through customs, whether packing or unpacking, whether chatting and laughing with family or crying out for the lost.  whether serving in a foreign country, or washing the feet of those around you.  

live.  to the hilt.  every situation.  you believe to be the will of God. 

for the glory due His name. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Second Spring

While I was in the States this winter, I received a number of comments regarding Canada as being the land of snow, ice, igloos and yaks.  The whole thing with yaks I was able to discount - you'll have to visit the Himalayas to get a chance to see one of those.

As for the comments regarding snow and ice, there really wasn't anything I could say because from November through April the 5-day forecast for back home was below zero and snow flurries.  In direct contrast, spring arrived early (or was it that winter never arrived. . .) where I was.  Since February (or so it seemed) I was watching for green in the grass.  It was beautiful watching the change of seasons and the new life that is intrinsically linked with spring. 

When I arrived back home, there was still snow in the back of our garden and the landscape once again brown.  Yet over the past three weeks, I've once again been able to watch the change of season.  Once again there is the excitement over trees budding and flowers blooming.

And it has been a reminder of how the Lord works - how He brings life and beauty and order to a life surrendered to Him.   He is constantly working and accomplishing His purposes in this world.

"Behold, I am doing a new thing;
   now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

Friday, May 13, 2011


For the past six months I have lived with a suitcase under my bed.  And counting my trip in a couple of days, I will have packed/unpacked that suitcase twelve times in those six months.  Needless to say, it's been rather transient :) 

Now, I love travelling.  In fact, airports are one of my favourite places to be in the world.  It's just been a little odd living in such a continual state of moving.  And it has also been interesting often not knowing how long I will be in one place.  

The Lord has shown me how He remains constant, despite my location.  How He is the One closer than a brother, when I'm far from home.  How He is the Rock on which my life is built around.   He is faithful and true.  

It has been such a reminder that we are called to be pilgrims here on earth.  To remember that this place, this life, is not the destination.  Our time here is important, but there is something far richer ahead.  

And it is my prayer, whether or not the Lord continues to move me around, that those lessons will sink deep into my soul and that I will never forget how it feels like to live with a suitcase under my bed. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011



Starting a new journal is one of my favourite things to do in the world; to flip through the clean and empty pages and wonder what things will someday fill them.  What new things the Lord will do in that time, where He will take me.  Lessons that will be learned, experiences that will take place.  But regardless of the changes and uncertainties that the future holds, my heart echoes the worlds of the old hymn. . .

’Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go,
But oh, I know my Guide.
Edwin O. Excell

May He receive all glory, honour and praise for this earthly pilgrimage.