Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a new year

The first post of a new year is almost like starting a new journal.  Or like the first paint stroke on an empty canvas (which I actually wouldn't know, because I never graduated from stick figures and you do not need a canvas to draw those) 

And beginnings are always exciting. . .like flipping through an empty journal and realizing that sooner or later that it will be filled with experiences, feelings and memories yet to happen.  Or looking at a calendar for 2012 and knowing that each day that shall pass shall be a unique and full. 

Turns in the road have always held this appeal to my soul.  What is around the unknown corner?  And true to form, the Lord has given me this new year an ambiguous 'turn in the road'.  When I'm to go back to my wee little campus home, I do not know.  What I do know is that each day where I am is a gift, and His desire for each of His children is to walk in daily obedience to Him and His will.  As for specifics, such as dates for my return, well, that is still up in the air :) 

I am reminded of a letter that Hudson Taylor wrote to his sister during his time of missionary preparation in London.  What joy to realize that we today can ground our lives on the exact same truths!  He wrote;

"No situation has turned up in London that will suit me; but I am not concerned about it, as HE is "the same yesterday, and today, and forever."  His love is unfailing, His Word unchangeable, His power ever the same; therefore the heart that trusts Him is kept in 'perfect peace.'  . . .I know He tries me only to increase my faith, and that it is all in love.  Well, if He is glorified, I am content." 

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