Saturday, June 18, 2011

for my mom

and my grandparents. . .

Maybe I should have waited to post this until August - when it will have been four years since we were traipsing about the highlands.  Can you believe it?  Four years.  Sometimes it seems like yesterday for the memories are so clear. 

I miss you. . .and I miss Scotland. 

all my love


  1. Thank you Nicole for sending that beautiful"Isle of Skye" song! a wonderful reminder of a very special time in our lives as we 'traipsed' around the Highlands together!I'm going to see if Grandpa can put the song on my mp3 player so I can keep on enjoying it :)

    I just re-read the beautiful note you wrote me before you left for Ellerslie and want to thank you for your prayer for me written there, "that in the midst of all of life's circumstances I would be standing on the unshakable Rock of Christ" So very timely and appreciated!

    Let's keep praying for each other Nicole. You are very dear to both our hearts and we love you so very much. Grandma, for both of us <><

  2. very fun, Nicole! Definitely time to go again. Maybe we could go visit the ORIGINAL Ellerslie! :)

  3. Hopefully it worked to get the song on your mp3 player Grandma. It can be our special prayer reminder of each other :)

    And Mom, you are right - I think it is very important actually to visit the 'original' :)
