Sunday, July 31, 2011

do we remember?

For one of my classes this semester, we have started on a project researching 'Restricted' and 'Hostile' nations around the world.  And researching even just my first country, Afghanistan, has opened my eyes to how easy it is for me to forget.  As I read through the facts

- second highest infant mortality rate in the world
- farmers turning to growing opium simply to provide for their families
- 99% Muslim
- converts to Christianity face persecution from their families and the government

it continually sobers me, for Afghanistan is only one on this list of countries that the gospel is prohibited from being proclaimed.  Approximately 28 million people live in the that war-ravenged country, without the opportunity of knowing the hope of the gospel of Christ. 

Yet what is to be our response?  To simply shake our heads and then moving on with our day?  To fall into despair that anything will ever be changed in that country? 

Oh, that we would remember.  Oh, that the Lord of the Harvest would be impressing on His people to pray for the persecuted church and unreached nations.  That He would be building men and woman that forsaking all worldly pleasures would go to the darkest corners of the earth; a mighty army that may overcome the Accuser of the Brethren by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and that they love not their lives unto death (Revelation 12:11) 

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