Monday, February 13, 2012


. . .and the word is {trust}

Trust is saying "THY will be done. . .with my today and my tomorrow."   Trust is stepping forward when you cannot see.  It is waiting when every thing in you wants to move, somewhere, someway.

The older that I get, the richer those 'Sunday School' Bible verses seem.  "For God so loved. . .",  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful. . .", "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. . ."

When you are six, there is such innocence and you wonder what trust means.  Over ten years later, you wish it was as easy to live the word as it is to define it.

Trust is singing songs in the night, knowing that His ways and thoughts are so much higher than we could ever comprehend.  Trust is not understanding, but believing.  It is not clinging to the known, but letting go before you are ready.
. . . . .


  1. Interesting timing for this word! Love you :)

  2. Beautiful truths, dear friend . . . keep on trusting! Especially blessed by your comment: "Trust is not understanding, but believing."

    "Teach us in silence of the unexplained
    To see Love's dearest, Love's most secret sign,
    Like the White Stone, a precious thing unstained -
    And as at Bethany, the glory Thine."
    (Amy Carmichael)
