Thursday, September 29, 2011

one girl - seven days - 300 words

Ever since I graduated from high school, it seems like I have always had a list (ok, I always have a lot of lists) of things that I’ve wanted to learn or study.  My younger brothers look at me funny when I happen to mention something that I want to learn or a course I want to take (and I’m not sure whether or not Robert ever got over that Latin course I convinced him to take with me)   
And as I just graduated from the one-year program here, it seems as if the list and learning urge is back again in full force.  You all know about the car maintenance skills I wanted to pick up, while other things on the list include learning Greek, working through this study and to learn how to cut hair.
I’ve always heard that to improve your writing you must. . .write.  Before coming down here, I taught piano and I know how that principle works.  In order to play the piano, you must actually touch it and practice it during the week (not just at the lesson with the teacher).  And I’ve always heard that it is a good discipline to sit down and write something every day. 
So you, my dear blog readers, shall be my accountability.  Every day, for the next seven days, I’m going to sit down and intentionally write 300 words. 
The timing is a little interesting, for this next week promises to be extremely full and busy here on campus.  We are preparing for the upcoming semester, I am adjusting to my new roles/responsibilities, and I shall be moving to a new dorm room. 
There may be a lot of talk about cleaning. 
Fair warning.
Should be exciting – I am looking forward to the next seven days! 

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading something from you every day! :)
