Sunday, October 2, 2011

new perspective

I am moving.

Ever since arriving on campus last October (goodness, I can hardly believe that I'm writing that!) I have been in the same room with the same roommate. That is, until a couple of weeks ago when my sweet roommate headed back home. And yesterday I started bringing things up to my new room.

the view from my old room
Originally the plan was to move over gradually, but I realized that after running to one room to get my shoes and the other to get my camera it probably wasn’t the most efficient way to live for an extended period of time. 

Things were comfortable, orderly.  I had figured out how everything fit in, and everything had a place.  It was familiar and homey and mine J 

Now, I’m surrounded by piles of clothes that need to be sorted through, various and sundry knick-knacks piled around and stacks of books that simply won’t look homelike on the shelves.  And the thought crossed my mind not that long ago that it would have been so much simpler to simply have stayed where I was. 

Yet as soon as I had thought that, I shook my head.  No.  I know this is a new season.  And for whatever reason, I know the Lord has hallmarked a number of changes for me.  Maybe He knows that when I get too comfortable, I have a habit of relying upon myself instead of on Him.  He does not want His daughter relying on anything but Himself for security.  He is to be the One I am dependent upon. 
the view from my new window
And the Lord showed me that there are two ways that I can walk into this new season.  I can either keep turning backwards, thinking of what was.  Or I can rejoice in the new perspective that these changes are providing. 

In that moment, He gave me the grace to rejoice and be excited about all that is up ahead.  For when He is leading a life, it may not be predictable, but oh! I wouldn’t have it any other way.  May He receive all the glory!   

'greater things are still to come, greater things are still to be done. . .'   Chris Tomlin


  1. I like the new view! :)
    I hope your moving went well, and that you'll feel settled soon.

  2. Hi Nicole! (I decided I should finally begin commenting on your delightful blog ;-)
    I have loved your recent daily blog posts and have been encouraged this week with your 300 words which are also pointed to Christ and His glory!
    How exciting to have so many new changes, I relate to change being hard but all praise to God who gives us unending strength as we surrender to Him!
    Love you miss you dearly my Ellerslie sister.
